Skylight Installation, Replacement, Repair & Cleaning
New Jersey Skylight Installation, Replacement, Repair & Cleaning
Skylights interrupt and penetrate the surface of a roof so they are prone to leaking. Usually the problem is the seal between the flashing and the roof but there are other possible causes, including incorrect installation. If you are planning to install a skylight, trust us to install a leak-free skylight system for your home. Call 973 -640-3840 now for a estimate.
While skylights are an excellent addition to your roofing system some common house leaks are caused by defects in your skylight sealing or faulty skylight installation, including:
Improperly fastened skylights
Hairline cracks and fissures
Inadequate skylight sealant
Blocked “weep holes” which happens when rainwater flows down the roof, collects at the top of the skylight and builds up. Eventually, the water finds a place around the edges where it can get inside. Skylights covered with ice and snow may cause leaking because their “weep holes” are covered. Internal condensation can’t escape, which causes water. If that happens, we can remove the snow and ice around your skylight
Our service technicians will do expert skylight repairs for any of these problems. We can also clean the outside of your skylights for less than what a window cleaning company would charge to get on the roof and clean them.